BC Summer Reading Club is a free literacy program designed to engage children who’ve completed Kindergarten with libraries and reading, throughout the summer.
This year’s BC Summer Reading Club theme is World of Curiosities! It features artwork by Victoria-based children’s illustrator and teacher Meneka Repka.
How to participate?
- Pick up your reading record any time after June 27, 2024 and start reading!
- Record your reading every day to become eligible to win prizes at our weekly draw. Prizes include toys, games, books, food coupons, and much more.
- Read all summer and receive a medal at our award ceremony in August.
EVENTs: WOrld of Curiosities
- Every Wednesday in July and August between 1:00 – 2:00 pm there are free drop-in events in the Community Meeting Room.
- Daily activities like crafts, puzzles, scavenger hunts in the children’s area. There will always be something happening there!
- Special events throughout the summer.
Stay tuned to our event calendar for more information!
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