Temporary Outage Affecting Library Services

Our library system will be undergoing upgrades that will affect access on Sunday, October 20th and Monday, October 21st 2024.

What services will be affected?

During the downtime, the following services will be temporarily unavailable:

  • Online access to your library account.
  • Self-checkout machines in the library.
  • Placing new holds.
  • Loanable tablets.

What services are still available?

The library will remain open during the scheduled downtime, and many services will still be available to you, including:

  • Checking out items*.
  • Returning items.
  • Picking up holds.
  • Public computers (see the information desk for a guest pass).
  • Printing, copying, and scanning.
  • Booking pods/study spaces.
  • Digital resources (Libby, Kanopy, LinkedIn Learning, etc).

*NOTE: During this downtime, staff will not be able to look up your library card number for you, so please be sure to bring your library card with you if you want to borrow something!

Thank you for your patience as we work with our service provider to implement these updates.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Email: library@squamish.ca
Phone: 604-892-3110

Notification of Privacy Breach

On April 25, 2024, we were notified by the BC Libraries Cooperative (the Co-op) that that they had experienced a privacy breach. The Co-op provides our library’s ILS (integrated library system) known as Sitka, and this breach affected all Sitka libraries. Log file data from a new logging server the Co-op had just implemented on their new cloud hosting infrastructure was breached. The files contained the email addresses and phone numbers of patrons who had received automated notifications from the library system (i.e., checkout notices, overdue notices, hold notifications) between March 27 and April 19, 2024.

Only the email addresses of people who received notifications (or the phone number of people who received SMS notifications) were leaked. The content of the notifications was NOT leaked. The leaked data does not say what the notifications were about, and it does NOT reveal any other information about patrons or their library use, such as checkouts and holds. Names and addresses were not shared; since this breached information cannot be linked with individual files, we have assessed the privacy risk to be low. The Co-op regrets that this happened and is working with the software provider to ensure this issue is resolved and does not occur again.

It is our understanding that the most likely risk from this information leaking is it being used to generate spam or phishing messages. We highly recommend you refer to https://antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/scams-fraudes/phishing-hameconnage-eng.htm for more information.

In addition, it may increase the likelihood of spear phishing messages – which often exploit known existing relationships. Spear phishing messages pretend to be from a person or system you are known to communicate with. Please know that the library will NEVER ask you for your password nor any other sensitive email like social insurance or banking information, nor ask for funds from you.

If you receive any message that appears to be from the library but is asking for any of these things, do not hesitate to follow up by calling us directly at (604) 892-3110 if you are at all unsure of its truthfulness. We are in touch with the Co-op for any updates or developments and will keep patrons informed if we receive any additional information.